Bestyboy vs Tyler French


Availability: Instant Download

Wrestlers: Beastyboy | Tyler French
Catalog: Catalog 11
Match: 1102

SKU: 1102 Category:


Today get ready to indulge in an exotic and nasty low blow match that includes both strategy and intensity. Beastyboy has a strategic wrestling style while Tyler is one of the most intense wrestlers in the business. Both wrestlers love showing off their massive biceps and hot muscled bodies. Beastyboy’s record is 2-0 including the capturing of the King of the Ring Belt since he arrived at 88W to wrestle in the Beastyboy vs USA competition. Tyler French is 0-1 at this point losing to Evan Collins in an ab bashing contest that he just wasn’t going to win. These two wrestlers agreed on a ‘How Low can you Go’ best of three match. Tyler climbs into the ring first and quickly begins showing off his ripped abs and big biceps, proud of his body. Beastyboy enters the ring flexing his massive biceps as they size each other up. While Tyler is flexing Beastyboy takes advantage and floors his opponent with a powerful gut punch that knocks the wind out of him. Beastyboy continues to focus on ab bashing Tyler and weakening his core. As Round 1continues Tyler makes an intense comeback with a rear choke hold, camel clutch, and slamming Beastyboy to the mat but it’s not enough. Beastyboy hoists Tyler onto his shoulders, slams him to the mat and then places his white boot firmly into Tyler’s crotch and pushes down as hard as he can. Miraculously Tyler fights it off but Beastyboy isn’t giving up. He flips Tyler over like a sirloin steak and drills his boot into Tyler’s crack until he is over-done and screams out an agonizing submission. Round 1 goes to a satisfied Beastyboy. The action continues fast and furious while the energy and electricity build with every move and hold. This match isn’t over until one of these wrestlers flexes his impressive muscles to claim victory and the other goes home with a stretched and very sore crotch.

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